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Reading seminar in philosophy of spacetime

Gábor Hofer-Szabó
László E. Szabó

Wednesday 15:00-16:30, Room 221 (Múzeum krt. 4./i)


Purpose of the course: The aim of the course is to make the students familiar with the philosophical foundations of spacetime theories, such as the principle of relativity, general covariance, absolute vs. relative spacetime structures, spacetime vs. matter, spacetime and causality.

Prerequisites for the course: The course assumes some basic knowledge of differential geometry and the theory of general relativity.


  1. Michael Friedman: Foundations of Space-Time Theories (PrincetonUniversity Press, 1983), Introduction, Chapter II/1, 2, 3.
  2. Moritz Schlick: Space and Time in Contemporary Physics (Dover Publications, 1920).
  3. John Stachel: "Einstein's search for general covariance, 1912-1915" in: D. Howard and J. Stachel (eds.): Einstein and the History of General Relativity (Birkhauser, Boston, 1980), 63-100.
  4. John D. Norton: "What was Einstein's principle of equivalence", Stud. Hist. Philos. Sci., 16, 203-246 (1980).
  5. John D. Norton: "General covariance and the foundations of general relativity: eight decades of dispute", Rep. Prog. Phys., 56, 791-858 (1993).
  6. R. K. Sachs and H. Wu: General Relativity for Mathematicians (Springer Verlag, 1983), VIII/4, 5.
  7. John Earman and John Norton: "What price space-time substantivalism? The hole story" Brit. J. Phil. Sci., 38, 515-525 (1987).


  TTK-s és IK-s BSc hallgatók!

Filozófia minor

TTK-s és IK-s BSc hallgatók!
Logika és tudományelmélet MA szak

A fizika filozófiája
A matematika filozófiája

Master's in Logic and Theory of Science

(in English)

The program focuses on logic and its applications in the philosophy of science, particularly in the foundations of mathematics, physics, linguistics and the social sciences. Beyond a few core courses and a joint four-semester seminar series aimed at providing a common background to all students, we offer the following four modules:
  • Logic and the Philosophy of Mathematics
  • Philosophy of Physics
  • Logic in Linguistics
  • Models in the Social Sciences

Students have to select one of these modules based on their personal field of interest.

>>> Further details

Salmon Kant

Lewis Reichenbach
Friedman Van Fraassen
Belnap Einstein
Earman Poincaré
Quine Lorentz
