April (Friday) 4:15 PM
Fernando Murillo
Logic and
Philosophy of Science
PhD Program, Eötvös
University, Budapest
and Nominalism
It is an oft cited claim
of naturalistic epistemology that
brain science will contribute to
our understanding of mental
function. Object recognition
is a mental function
dramatically impaired by
agnosia, a clinical syndrome
caused by ischemic insult
(stroke) to circumscribed
regions of the cortex. Curiously
specific deficits in the
recognition of certain categories
ensue from agnosia, although in
some cases, patients may lose
object recognition altogether
retaining flawless face
recognition. What, if anything, do
these phenomena reveal about the
minds “implementation" of
language? What philosophies of
abstraction and ideogenesis can
best account for the empirical
data observed in the clinical
literature? Does agnosia hold the
potential to teach us something
philosophical about naming,
self-knowledge, and
self-recognition of
representational states?
April (Friday) 4:15 PM
Department of Logic,
Jagiellonian University,
belief functions,
nonclassical logics, and
Dutch Books
The talk concerns with
belief functions in the context of
various nonclassical logics. After
surveying previous results, I
report a solution to an open
problem regarding the
axiomatization of rational belief
functions of symmetric logic.
Then, the notions of bets and
Dutch Books typically employed in
formal epistemology are
investigated and it is claimed
that they are of little use
outside the realm of classical
logic. We propose novel ways of
understanding Dutch Books in
nonclassical settings.
April (Friday) 4:15 PM
Logic and
Philosophy of Science
PhD Program, Eötvös
University, Budapest
extensions and elementary
This talk concerns with
the type of ultrafilter extension
of structures equipped with a
single binary relation that are
well studied in modal logics and
universal algebra. They become
fundamental constructions
understanding model theory of
modal logics. In my talk I will
focus on the first-order theory of
such extensions emerging from
modal logic and try to
characterise possible relationship
with their original structure. In
the most general setting there is
little to say about such
connections, and it is no surprise
that the preservance of first-oder
formulas might fail, as opposed to
ultraproduct construction.
The literature mainly poses the
question of "What type of
first-order formulas are preserved
under taking ultrafilter
extension?", which turns out to be
\Pi_1^1-hard, hence disclaiming
the existence of any
characterisation theorem. In the
presentation I take the reverse
approach and ask what types or
classes of structures are
elementary equivalent to their
ultrafilter extension? Without
knowing the exact answer, I
present a good candidate, namely,
the class of image (and pre-image)
finite structures.
April (Friday) 4:15 PM
Logic and
Philosophy of Science MA
Program, Eötvös
University, Budapest
Systems: A Physico-formalist
I articulate and defend
a modified mapping account of
physical implementation of
computation. I incorporate the
account in the physico-formalist
ontology. According to my
physico-formalist account, a
physical system implements a
computational formalism just in
case there is a true theory of
computational implementation
(C,M,P). I contrast my theory with
the original mapping account, the
semantic account, and the
mechanistic account. I survey the
triviality argument and deploy
physico-formalism to illuminate
the metaphysical problems behind
the question of computational