
The seminar is held in hybrid format, in person (Múzeum krt. 4/i Room 224) and online.

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8 November (Friday) 4:15 PM  Room 224 + ONLINE
Fabio Lampert
Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna
A priori knowledge and our limits
There is a venerable argument stated and defended in multiple ways, since the Early Middle Ages, which attempts to show that there is no free will or moral responsibility if human actions were infallibly predicted in the past – by a divine being, supercomputer, or what have you. The Spanish philosopher and theologian Luis de Molina (1535-1600) formulated one of the clearest versions of this argument, only to reject its main inferential move without any argument. For this reason, Molina’s ’solution’ to the puzzle was by and large ignored. I will argue, however, that technology stemming from the works of Saul Kripke (in particular, the thesis of the necessity of identity and some instances of contingent a priori knowledge) provides the tools to generate an argument motivating the Molinist solution to the puzzle in question. Molina didn’t have an argument because he didn’t have Kripke. But we did.

15 November (Friday) 4:15 PM  Room 224 + ONLINE
Krzysztof Krawczyk
Department of Logic, Institute of Philosophy
Jagiellonian University, Cracow
Structural completeness in quasivarieties of Sugihara algebras
The talk will be devoted to variants of structural completeness among finitary consequence relations extending the system R-mingle. The notion of Structural Completeness (SC) has been coined by W. A. Pogorzelski in 1971. A given consequence relation is said to be SC iff all of its admissible rules are derivable. The effectiveness of algebraic logic has been known mostly due to the so-called bridge theorems. Similarly to many other metalogical properties, SC has its "bridge" algebraic counterpart: a quasivariety is SC iff it is generated by the free omega-generated algebra. Since RM is algebraizable with the variety of Sugihara algebras, we will be looking for structurally complete subquasivarieties of Sugihara algebras. My goal is to provide a characterization of all hereditarily structurally complete, passively straucturally complete and actively structurally complete quasivarieties of Sugihara algebras.

29 November (Friday) 4:15 PM  Room 224 + ONLINE
Maha Royanian
Department of Logic, Institute of Philosophy
Eötvös University Budapest
Ergodicity and nonergodicity in economics
The concept of ergodicity appears in a number of areas within economics and is present in some models and theories such as portfolio theory. The interdisciplinary approach of ergodicity economics has highlighted cases where the average outcome for an ensemble of agents and the average outcome for an individual over time do not coincide. In this presentation I will try to provide a summary of how different considerations of ergodicity/nonergodicity account for certain understandings in economics and decision making.