Selected problems of
contemporary metaphysics
16:00 - 17:30, Room 221
(The lectures
will be given in English. The exam can
be taken in English or Hungarian.)
- Metaphysics and the knowledge of the world
- Time
- Modality, determinism--indeterminism,
- Free will
- Causation
- Properties
- Identity, similarity, persistence
- Laws of nature
Records and the slides of the
lectures will be available.
List of
suggested readings
- John W.
Carroll, Ned Markosian: An Introduction
to Metaphysics, CUP 2010.
- E. J. Lowe: A Survey of Metaphysics, OUP
- J. Heil:. From
an Ontological Point of View. Oxford:
Clarendon Press 2003.
- Norman Swartz: Beyond
Experience – Metaphysical Theories and
Philosophical Constraints (Second
Edition). Toronto: University of Toronto
Press 2001.
- L. E. Szabó: Meaning, Truth, and
Physics, In G. Hofer-Szabó, L.
Wroński (eds.), Making
it Formally Explicit, European
Studies in Philosophy of Science 6.
(Springer International Publishing, 2017)
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-55486-0_9.
(Preprint: //
- L. E. Szabó:
Mathematical facts in a physicalist
ontology, Parallel
Processing Letters, 22 (2012)
1240009 (12 pages), DOI:
10.1142/S0129626412400099 [preprint]
- L. E. Szabó:
Formal Systems as Physical Objects: A
Physicalist Account of Mathematical Truth, International
Studies in the Philosophy of Science,
17 (2003) pp. 117 – 125 (preprint: PDF)
- L. E. Szabó:
What remains of probability?, in D. Dieks,
W. Gonzalez, S. Hartmann, M. Weber, F.
Stadler and T. Uebel (eds.), The Present
Situation in the Philosophy of Science,
Springer, forthcoming. [PDF]
- L. E. Szabó:
Objective probability-like things with and
without objective indeterminism, Studies
in History and Philosophy of Modern
Physics 38 (2007) 626–634 [Prepirnt
- L. E.
Szabó:The Einstein--Podolsky--Rosen Argument
and the Bell Inequalities, Internet
Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- L.E. Szabó:
Intrinsic, extrinsic, and the constitutive a
priori, Foundations of
Physics 50, 555–567
(2020). DOI: 10.1007/s10701-019-00281-z
(Open Access:
- L.E. Szabó:
Physicalism without the idols of
mathematics, Foundations of Science
DOI: 10.1007/s10699-023-09920-1
and download PDF ]
Credit requirements:
- oral exam from the material of the
- PhD students, in addition, must write a
5-10 page critical essay (in English) in
connection with the main theses I am
proposing in the lecture course

Exam info
and slides
curriculum includes core
courses in logic and
formal approaches to
philosophy of science, and
advanced optional courses
in logic, philosophy of
mathematics, foundations
of physics, logical
methods in linguistics,
philosophy of language,
metaphysics, and formal
models in social sciences.
Students can choose a
focus according to their
own fields of interests.
In general, the program is
research oriented, aiming
to prepare students for a
PhD program.
Further details
in Philosophy