6 April
5:00 PM
Room 226 |
Gyarmathy and Gábor
Department of Philosophy
and History of Science
Budapest University of
Technology and Economics |
In our talk we propose
arguments contesting the idea that
the nature of our inferences can
be understood on the grounds of
intuition. We believe that
grounding inferences on intuition
leads to confusion because of the
same reasons shown by Williamson
(2004) in general concerning the
methodological issue of
intuitions. Besides of the
illusion of an “incontestable
starting point” (of intuited facts
or the fact that we intuit) it
also obscures the relation between
philosophical and everyday
thinking. Furthermore grounding
inferences on intuitions also
disguises the differences between
their conditions of adequacy.
Boghossian (2014, 5) argues that
an inference should be
characterized in terms of what he
calls the taking condition:
“Inferring necessarily involves
the thinker taking his premises to
support his conclusion and drawing
his conclusion because of that
fact.” He explains the taking
condition as something rooted
either in the sub- personal level
of cognition or in blind rule
following. Choosing either of
these options makes it impossible
to distinguish inferences from
other trains of thought. We argue
that the nature of inference
should be understood as an action
with an aim to arrive at a certain
conclusion. Being such actions
occurring in dialogical settings,
inferences should be understood as
actions of the speaker to
establish the truth of the
conclusion from the premises and
thereby issuing an intersubjective
licence for the interlocutor to
oppose it. Reasons for carrying
out a certain inferential step are
grounded in the dialogical
settings for the participants of a
certain dialogue which also
grounds inference in the rational
decision of the agent. By
grounding inferences on rational
decisions (in dialogical settings)
we aim to avoid objections offered
against the intuitive account.
13 April
5:00 PM
Room 226 |
Péter Mekis
Department of Logic,
Institute of Philosophy
University Budapest |
concept of understanding in
Wittgenstein's Tractatus
Wittgenstein's Tractatus
raises the problem of
understanding on two distinct
On the object level, understanding
a propositional sign is part of
Wittgenstein's account of
propositions, and is derived from
the celebrated picture theory of
meaning. Understanding an
elementary propositional sign
amounts to knowing what situation
it depicts; and understanding a
complex propositional sign amounts
to knowing its logical structure,
and the elementary propositions it
consists of. However, given that
logical structures are not
transparent in the propositional
signs we use in ordinary language,
it is somewhat puzzling that we
can understand these signs without
difficulty in our everyday
linguistic practice. The first
half of the talk will discuss this
puzzle at some depth.
On the meta level, the
propositional signs we find in the
text of the Tractatus infamously
and admittedly violate the norms
set up at object level, so it is
even problematic how we can gain
access to these very norms. The
second half of the talk will
discuss this second puzzle, and
various attempted solutions that
can be found in the literature.
20 April
5:00 PM
Room 226 |
Gyenis* and Miklós
Institute of Mathematics, Budapest
University of Technology and
** Department of Philosophy,
Logic and Scientific Method,
LSE, London |
Having a look at
what a Bayesian Agent cannot
see (the Bayes Blind Spot)
The talk investigates
some properties of Bayesian
learning with an emphasis on what
probabilities a Bayesian Agent can
learn by conditionalizing on a
possibly uncertain evidence he has
about elements in a finite Boolean
algebra. We define the Bayes Blind
Spot of an Agent as the set of
probability measures that are
absolutely continuous with respect
to the background probability
(prior) of the Agent and which the
Agent cannot learn no matter what
evidence he has. We show that if
the Boolean algebra is finite then
the Bayes Blind Spot is a very
large set.
27 April
5:00 PM
Room 226 |
Gergely Ambrus
Department of General
Philosophy, Institute of
Eötvös University
Budapest |
Tudatos gondolat
(Conscious Thought)
A tudatos mentális állapotok
fenomenológiai elemzései
általánosan elfogadják, hogy a
tudatos állapotok öntudatosak,
azaz hogy minden tudatos állapot,
valamilyen formában, tartalmaz az
alanyára, az én-re, önmagára
vonatkozó tudatot is (ennek a
módját persze különbözőképpen
értelmezik). A tudatos állapotok
analitikus filozófiai elképzelései
viszont jellemzően nem osztják ezt
az elképzelést (bár vannak
kivételek). Ezzel illeszkedően, az
analitikus filozófiában
meghatározó kognitivista elmekép a
fogja fel, fenntartva a
tudatos állapotok „én-nélküliségének”
hagyományát (Hume,
James, Russell,
Bécsi Kör túlnyomó része),
míg a fenomenológiai nézetek nem
rokonszenveznek ezzel
a tudatos állapotok
öntudat-involváló és az ezt
tagadó nézetek
közötti vitát fogom vizsgálni,
és amellett érvelek, hogy az
öntudat-involváló elméletek
állnak jobban. Ha ez így van,
akkor ez
aláássa a bevett
kognitivista elmeképet: az
én-nélküliséget feltételező
naturalista állapot/tartalom
elméletek adekvátsága
válik, és
az elme naturalizálhatóságának
kérdése is legalábbis