History and Philosophy of Science
Eötvös University, Budapest
of Science Colloquium
Room 1.817 (1st floor)
Monday 4:00 PM
P. sétány 1/C Budapest |
(36-1) 372 2924 |
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>>> Printable poster (pdf)
6 March 4:00 PM 1st floor 1.817
Gábor Kutrovátz
Department of History and Philosophy of Science Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest |
Apriorism in the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge
paper attempts to reconstruct and compare the epistemological positions
taken by Kuhn in his later work and SSK (especially the Strong
Programme), in terms of their relations to a broadly understood Kantian
philosophical tradition. In some of his works discussing the role of
what he called ‘lexicons’ in science, Kuhn admittedly
characterised his philosophical stance as Kantian, specifying
knowledge-conditioning categories as movable and to a large extent
linguistic. While forms of Kantianism in SSK are not so explicit,
criticisms of the Strong Programme (Latour) and analyses of science
studies (Hacking, Sismondo) often place the field’s
epistemological commitments in a Kantian framework.
paper addresses the following questions:
- In what sense can we call late Kuhn’s position Kantian, reconstructed from his related claims?
- How
Kantian is SSK in a Kuhnian sense, and what are the basic similarities
and differences between Kuhn and SSK in this specific framework? In
particular, is Kantianism reconcilable with naturalism at any
philosophical, let alone methodological, level?
- How does SSK,
and especially the Strong Programme, relate in terms of Kuhnian-type
Kantianism to trends in science studies which, because of their
reliance on the construction metaphor, are often referred to as
‘constructivist’ (e.g. Knorr-Cetina)?
- Reconsidering
some aspects of Kant’s original solution to the problem of
cognition, what can we say about the prospects and scope of Kuhnian and
SSK-type explanations of scientific knowledge? Are perceptual, besides
conceptual, aspects of cognition open to a sociological reformulation
of Kantian themes?
13 March 4:00 PM 1st floor 1.817
Hideto Nakajima
Collegium Budapest Department of History, Philosophy and
Social Studies of Science & Technology, Tokyo Institute of
Technology |
Robert Hooke as an Astronomer
Who was Robert Hooke? It has remained
a longstanding question to be answered by historians of science. Of
course, he is known as a natural philosopher who discovered Hooke’s
law of elastic bodies, and who saw cells first in history with his
microscopes. But even then, it has not been possible to give
consistent picture on his researches, which covered vast areas from
biology through physics to the re-building of London after the Great
Fire in 1666. The only ‘definition’ researchers agreed was Hooke
was a relentless but lesser enemy of his rival, Isaac Newton.
For example, in
1672, when Newton submitted his reflecting telescope, a totally
brand-new telescope, to the Royal Society with his revolutionary
theory of light and colors, Hooke, curator of the Society, harshly
criticized both the instrument and the color theory, on which it was
invented. It has been said that Hooke attacked Newton even without
correct understanding of Newton’s theory.
The talk is aimed at changing
this image of Hooke being a lesser enemy of Newton. Starting from
the analysis of Hooke’s antagonism against Newton on optical
theory, I will gradually elucidate that Hooke was regarded
as an able astronomer in Europe in the midst of the seventeenth
century. Indeed, Hevelius, a leading observational astronomer in
Danzig, wanted to acquire a telescope made under Hooke’s
supervision through Oldenburg. Hooke’s criticism on Newton was not
at all absurd, but based on his experience in observational
The talk will end with the claim that
we can interpret a considerable part (of course, not all) of Hooke’s
scientific activities consistently if we see them in the context of
observational astronomy, one of the three important fields of
experimental science (or natural philosophy) those days. Even though I agree with the importance to see science in its social
context, it is also important to see it in its own context as well.
(Note) The essence of the talk will be
published in Robert Hooke Tercentennial Studies, M. Cooper and
M. Hunter (eds.), ISBN 075465265x (forthcoming, Ashgate Pub., 2006),
which is composed of the selected articles delivered at Hooke’s
tercentennial memorial at the Royal Society of London in 2003.
20 March 4:00 PM 1st floor 1.817
László E. Szabó
Theoretical Physics Research Group Department of History and Philosophy of Science Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest |
The metaphysical basis of logic and mathematics (A physicalist approach)
'physicalism' I mean something entirely different from what is
sometimes called 'immanent realism'. Rather I mean the
metaphysical commitment to the following two principles: 1) Genuine
information about the world must be acquired by a posteriori
means. 2) Experiencing itself, as any other mental phenomena, including
the mental processing the experiences, can be wholly explained in terms
of physical properties, states, and events in the physical world. I
will claim that mathematics is a system of meaningless signs and
mechanical operations, and that all of these are living in the physical
world, but without "representing" some platonic objects or Fregean
abstract entities. In pure mathematics, the formulas of a formal system
do not carry Tarskian truths. They are true only in the sense that they
have proof, that is, there exists a derivation process, as a physical
process, within the formal system in question. Consequently, it is
completely meaningless to talk about "intuitive arithmetic", "naive set
theory", "intended interpretation", and the like, or to differentiate
"numbers" from "numerals" or to use the phrase "axiomatization of ...",
etc. Finally, I would like to say a few words about the
epistemological status of meta-mathematical theories, and to point out
some weak points of the proofs like the "absolute proof of
consistency" of sentence calculus, or the proof of Goedel's
incompleteness theorem. I will argue that Goedel's theorems are clothed
with meta-mathematical meanings which they do not have.
Related paper:
L. E. Szabó: Formal Systems as Physical Objects: A Physicalist Account of Mathematical Truth, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 17 (2003) pp. 117–125 (preprint: pdf)
The first 40-50 pages from the draft of a book I am recently writing:
L. E. Szabó: The metaphysical basis of mathematics - A physicalist approach
27 March 4:00 PM 1st floor 1.817
Gábor Takács
Theoretical Physics Research Group Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest |
Relativisztikus kvantumelmélet: részecskék vagy mezők? (Relativistic quantum theory: particles or fields?)
előadás a relativisztikus kvantumelmélet
(kvantumtérelmélet) alapvető ontológiai
problémáját veti fel. Mennyiben igazolható
az elemi folyamatok leírására sokszor
használt részecskekép? Hogyan függ ez
össze lokalitással,
lokalizálhatósággal? Milyen létezőket
tekinthetünk a relativisztikus kvantumelméletben
fundamentálisnak? A probléma nyitott. A jelenlegi
ismereteink szintjén az első lépés a helyes
kérdésfeltevés kidolgozása kell legyen. Az
előadás ehhezkíván hozzájárulni.
The colloquium is open to everyone,
including students, visitors, and faculty members from all departments!
The 60-minute lecture is followed by
a 10-minute break. Then
we hold a 30-60-minute discussion. The language of presentation can be English ( ) or Hungarian ( ). Participants may comment on the talks and are encouraged to initiate
discussion through the
Internet. The comments should be written in the language of the
presentation. The comments should be written in the language of the presentation.
The organizer
of the colloquium: László E. Szabó
(email: leszabo@hps.elte.hu)