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lecture course (in English) 
(Thu 14:00 - 15:30, Múzeum krt. 4/i  Room 221)



What does causation consist in, and, depending on the possible answers, what are the basic characteristics of a causal relationship? -- this is the main topic of the lecture course.  We shall also discuss the most important contexts of causality: the relationship of causality to concepts of explanation, law-like regularity, statistical correlation, time, modality, and logical inference. Our considerations will be based on the analysis of the causal narratives in our scientific, first of all, physical theories; rather than our every day experiences or common sense intuition.

The lecture slides will be available in a pdf file.

Further suggested readings:


Recorded lectures

  TTK-s és IK-s BSc hallgatók!

Filozófia minor

TTK-s és IK-s BSc hallgatók!
Logika és tudományelmélet MA szak

A fizika filozófiája
A matematika filozófiája

Master's in Logic and Theory of Science

(in English)

The program focuses on logic and its applications in the philosophy of science, particularly in the foundations of mathematics, physics, linguistics and the social sciences. Beyond a few core courses and a joint four-semester seminar series aimed at providing a common background to all students, we offer the following four modules:
  • Logic and the Philosophy of Mathematics
  • Philosophy of Physics
  • Logic in Linguistics
  • Models in the Social Sciences

Students have to select one of these modules based on their personal field of interest.

>>> Further details