LÁSZLÓ E. SZABÓ Home Publications Courses Links CV Department Home




Science Direct - Digital Library
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Journals on Philosophy of Science
Magyar Filozófiai Szemle - Hungarian Philosophical Review
Magyar Tudomány
Magyar Lettre Internationale
Természet Világa
Elpis - a filozófia TDK és SzHÉK közös folyóirata (Journal of philosophy students at Eötvös University)
Project Euclid
Library Catalogues
Library of the HPS Department, Eötvös
MTA Könyvtár (Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Utrecht University Library
Catalog of the University of Pittsburgh libraries
The Library of Congress Online Catalog
University of Vienna Libray
COPAC (British union catalogue)
Verbund-OPAC (Austrian union catalogue)
(GBV): German Union Catalogue
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Országos Széchényi Könyvtár (OSZK Katalógus, Nemzeti Periodika Adatbázis, etc.)
The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
The value of Knowledge: a Miniature Library of Philosophy
Noesis: Philosophical Research Online
Medieval and Modern thought, Text Digitization Project
Medieval and Modern thought, Text Digitization Project
Online Papers in Philosophy
Philosophy of Science Archive (Pittsburgh)
Magyar Internetes Tájékoztatás - Hungarian Online Librarian
Archives of Scientific Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh
The value of Knowledge: a Miniature Library of Philosophy
History of Science
"MINDEN FILOZÓFIA 'NYELVKRITIKA'"  -  A 17.-20. századi nyelvfilozófia történetéhez
"Alle Philosophie ist 'Sprachkritik’“ - Philosophy of language (17-20 century)
Forrai Gábor – Szegedi Péter (szerk.), Tudományfilozófia: Szöveggyűjtemény
Institutes, organizations
Hungarian links
Directory of online Hungarian philosophers
(compiled by I. A. Aranyosi)
Hungarian philosophers' e-mail information system
Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics (PhD/Staff seminar)
Philosophy Students at Eötvös University
Hungarian Philosophical Association (Magyar Filozófiai Társaság)
Collegium Budapest
Department of Cognitive Science, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
BME Filozófia és Tudománytörténet Tanszék
CEU, Department of Philosophy
Institute for Philosophical Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
The Budapest Semester in Cognitive Science (BSCS)
Magyar Fenomenológiai Egyesület
International links
Mathematical Logic around the world
Philosophy Conferences Worldwide
Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh
LSE - Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method
Philosophy of Physics, University of Oxford
Institute for History and Foundations of Science, Utrecht University
Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science, University of California, Irvine
European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA)
Colloquia all over the world
Austrian Center of Philosophy with Children
Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS)
PhilPhys - Mail Group (Philosophy and Foundations of Physics)
HOPOS-L@LISTSERV.ND.EDU - A Forum for Discussion of the History of the Philosophy of Science
The Philosophy of Science in a European Perspective (ESP Research Networking Programme)
Web Sites
Mathematical Logic around the world
Szabad Változók
Pszichológia Online
The World of Cognition - Csaba Pléh's Web Site
Kennedy Space Center (online NASA TV, etc.) 


LPS - Logic and Philosophy of Science Seminar (Student and Faculty Seminar)

TTK-s és IK-s BSc hallgatók!
Filozófia minor

Master's in Logic and Theory of Science

Philosophy at Eötvös University
Faculty of Humanities:
Institute of Philosophy
  Department of General Philosophy
  Department of Logic
  Department of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
  Department of Modern Philosophy
Faculty of Science:
  Department of History and Philosophy of Science
Faculty of Law:
  Department of Philosophy

CEU, Department of Philosophy

CEU, Cognitive Development Center

Hillman Library
University of Pittsburgh

Library Hours

Monday- Thursday 7:50 AM - 2:00 AM
Friday 7:50 AM - 10:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM - 12 Midnight
Sunday 10:00 AM - 2:00 AM

Colloquia all over the world
Nuel Belnap's Home Page
Arthur Fine's Home Page
Márton Gömöri's Home Page
Balázs Gyenis' Home Page
Zalán Gyenis' Home Page
Gábor Hofer-Szabó's Home Page
Miklós Rédei's Home Page

Hajnal Andréka's Home Page
Ferenc Huoranszki's Home Page
István Németi's Home Page

(International Mail Group in Philosophy and Foundations of Physics)

European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA)

Szabad Változók
Women in Philosophy

Első Pesti Egyetemi Rádió

ELTE BTK Művészetelméleti és Médiakutatási Intézet

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