LÁSZLÓ E. SZABÓ Home Publications Courses Links CV Department Home


II. G. Hofer-Szabó, M. Rédei, L. E. Szabó: The Principle of the Common Cause, Cambridge University Press, 2013.
I. A nyitott jövő problémája - véletlen, kauzalitás és determinizmus a fizikában
(The Problem of Open Future - chance, causality, and determinism in physics)
Typotex Kiadó, Budapest 2002 
L.E. Szabó, M. Gömöri, Z. Gyenis: Questionable and Unquestionable in Quantum Mechanics (2023),
Physicalism without the idols of mathematics, Foundations of Science (2023),
DOI: 10.1007/s10699-023-09920-1   [View and download PDF ]
Fizikalizmus és a Quine–Putnam-féle nélkülözhetetlenségi argumentum, Magyar Filozófiai Szemle 66 (3) pp 75-85 (2022) [PDF]
A végtelen idóluma, Magyar Tudomány 181(2020)11, 1509–1522,
DOI: 10.1556/2065.181.2020.11.8  (PDF)
Intrinsic, extrinsic, and the constitutive a priori, Foundations of Physics  50, 555–567 (2020).  DOI: 10.1007/s10701-019-00281-z  (Open Access: https://rdcu.be/bKxdO)
M. Gömöri and L.E. Szabó: On the Persistence of the Electromagnetic Field, Journal for General Philosophy of Science 50 (2019), 43-61. DOI: 10.1007/s10838-018-9430-3
(Preprint: http://philsci-archive.pitt.edu/12785/)

Meaning, Truth, and Physics, In G. Hofer-Szabó, L. Wroński  (eds.),   Making it Formally Explicit, European Studies in Philosophy of Science 6. (Springer International Publishing, 2017) DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-55486-0_9. (Preprint: http://philsci-archive.pitt.edu/14769/)
70. M. Gömöri and L.E. Szabó: Formal statement of the special principle of relativity (2015), Synthese, 192 (2015), pp. 2053–2076,  DOI: 10.1007/s11229-013-0374-1 (Preprint)
69. M. Gömöri and L.E. Szabó: Operational understanding of the covariance of classical electrodynamics  (2013),  Physics Essays 26, pp. 361--370. DOI: 10.4006/0836-1398-26.3.361 (Preprint: http://philsci-archive.pitt.edu/9895)
68. Vázlatpontok a fizikai elméletek fizikalista értelmezéséhez, In Zvolenszky Zs. et al. (szerk.), Nehogy érvgyűlölők legyünk -- Tanulmánykötet Máté András 60. születésnapjára, L'Harmattan, Bp. 2013, p. 122--129. (PDF)
67. Mathematical facts in a physicalist ontology, Parallel Processing Letters, 22 (2012) 1240009 (12 pages), DOI: 10.1142/S0129626412400099 [preprint]
66. E. Szabó László, Gyenis Balázs, Gyenis Zalán, Rédei Miklós, Szabó Gábor: Korrelációk kauzális magyarázata, Magyar Filozófiai Szemle, 54. (2010) 78. old.
65. M. Gömöri and L.E. Szabó: How to Move an Electromagnetic Field? (v2, 2014)  preprint (http://philsci-archive.pitt.edu/id/eprint/10755)
64. Mathematics in a Physical World, in M. Stannet et al. (eds.),  Pre-proceedings of the 3rd Intenational Hypercomputation Workshop (HyperNet 11), TUCS Lecture Notes 14, Turku 2011.
63. M. Gömöri and L.E. Szabó: Is the relativity principle consistent with electrodynamics? Towards a logico-empiricist reconstruction of a physical theory, preprint (PDF)
Revised/published version  -->  69., 68., and 64.
62. What remains of probability?, in F. Stadler (ed.), The Present Situation in the Philosophy of Science, Springer, 2010 [PDF]
61. Lorentzian theories vs. Einsteinian special relativity -- a logico-empiricist reconstruction, in A. Máté, M. Rédei and F. Stadler (eds.), Vienna Circle and Hungary -- Veröffentlichungen des Instituts Wiener Kreis,  Springer 2011. [PDF]
60. Empirical Foundation of Space and Time, in M. Suárez, M. Dorato and M. Rédei (eds.), EPSA07: Launch of the European Philosophy of Science Association, Springer 2009. [PDF]
59. The Einstein--Podolsky--Rosen Argument and the Bell Inequalities, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2008)
58. A fizikalista konklúziója: a nyelv alapvetően metaforikus, Világosság, 2006/8-9-10, 221 [PDF]
57. Objective probability-like things with and without  objective indeterminism, Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 38 (2007) 626–634 [Prepirnt (PDF)
56. Does special relativity theory tell us anything new about space and time? [PDF] New version!
55. Physicalist Metaphysical Foundation of Mathematics, talk, 7 June 2005, Philosophy, KULeuven [PDF]
54. Miért téves az antropikus elv a kozmológiában?, Magyar Pax Romana 47. kongresszusa, Győr 2005 [PDF]
53. Absztrakció = mozgás a konkréttól a konkrétig, MAKOG 2005, Debrecen [PDF]
52. Balázs László Kristóf és E. Szabó László: "Semmiben nem nyújt új vagy más leírást a térről és az időről" -- beszélgetés a relativitáselméletről, Beszélő, 2004. január, 75.-88. old.
51. Does special relativity theory tell us anything new about space and time? (transparencies of the talk presented in Utrecht, 11 December 2003) [PDF]
50. A physicalist account of mathematical truth (5-minute talk, NIAS, 8/10/2003) [PS, PDF]
49. On the meaning of Lorentz covariance, Foundations of Physics Letters 17 (2004) pp. 479 - 496 [preprint: PS, PDF
48. Lorentz's theory and special relativity are completely identical The content of this preprint has been moved into the new version of "Does special relativity theory tell us anything new about space and time?"
47. A szemantika fizikalista értelmezésérõl (MAKOG 2003, Pécs) [PDF]
46. Formal Systems as Physical Objects: A Physicalist Account of Mathematical Truth, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 17 (2003) pp. 117 – 125 (preprint: PDF)
45. From Theory to Experiments and Back Again ... and Back Again ... - Comments to Patrick Suppes: From Theory to Experiments and Back Again, in Observation and Experiment in the Natural and Social Sciences, M.C. Galavotti (ed.) (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003) [PDF]
44. A Physicalist Interpretation of Probability (conference paper, International Interdisciplinary Workshop on Determinism, Ringberg Castle (Rottach-Egern), Germany, June 4-8, 2001.) 
(Seminar talk on the same topic, Budapest, October 2003)
43. Ontology of Logic (Talk presented on Logic, Algebra, Relativity - 2002, November 4-8, 2002, Budapest) [PDF]
42. Lorentz's theory and relativity theory are completely identical (BOLYAI CONFERENCE, 8-12 July, 2002, Budapest) [PDF]
41. G. Hofer-Szabó, M. Rédei and L. E. Szabó, Common-causes are not common common-causes, Philosophy of Science, 69 (2002) pp. 623--636  (preprint:  philsci-archive.pitt.edu )
40. On Fine's Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics: GHZ experiment, in Non-Locality and Modality, NATO Science Series, II. Vol. 64. T. Placek and J. Butterfield (eds.) (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London, 2002), pp. 153-161 [PDF]
39. A relativitáselmélet tökéletesen azonos a relativitáselmélet elõtti fizikával (Ortvay Kollokvium, 2002. március 21.) [PDF]
38. A matematika-filozófiai formalizmus találkozása az elme-filozófiai fizikalizmussal MAKOG 2002, Visegrád ) [html , pdf]
37. G. Hofer-Szabó, M. Rédei and L. E. Szabó, Reichenbach's Common Cause Principle: Recent Results and Open Questions, Reports on Philosophy No. 20, 85-107. (2000) [PDF]
36. Miért kitüntetett szög a derékszög? (MAKOG 2001, Visegrád ) [html , ps ]
35. László E. Szabó and Arthur Fine: A local hidden variable theory for the GHZ experiment, Physics Letters A295 (2002) pp. 229-240. [preprint]
34. On an attempt to resolve the EPR--Bell paradox via Reichenbachian concept of common cause, International Journal of Theoretical Physics 39, 911. (2000) [preprint and computer illustration]
33. Contextuality Without Contextuality: Fine's Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, Reports on Philosophy, No. 20, 117-130. (2000)
32. G. Hofer-Szabó, M. Rédei, L. Szabó, Common cause completeability of classical and quantum event structures, International Journal of Theoretical Physics 39 (2000), 913-919. [PDF]
31. On Fine's resolution of the EPR-Bell problem, Foundations of Physics 30, 1891-1909. (2000)
30. Critical reflections on quantum probability theory, in M. Rédei, M. Stoeltzner (eds.), John von Neumann and the Foundations of Quantum Physics , Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2001.
29. Quantum measurement: on this side of paradox, in Daniel Greenberger, Wolfgang Reiter, Anton Zeilinger (eds.), Epistemological and Experimental Perspectives on Quantum Physics , Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1999.
28. G. Hofer-Szabó, M. Rédei and L. E. Szabó: On Reichenbach's common cause principle and Reichenbach's notion of common cause, The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 50 (1999), 377-399.
27. Determinizmus, szabad akarat, kvantummechanika, Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle 1997/98 LIII. (37) 1-4, 225-231.
26. Kiforratlan megoldások, BUKSZ 1997/IV, 463.
25. Quantum structures do not exist in reality, Int. J. of Theor. Phys. 37, 449-456. (1998)
Some of the proofs rae here:
Is There Anything Non-Classical? arXiv:quant-ph/9606006v2 (1996)
23. N. Belnap and L. E. Szabó, Branching Space time analysis of the GHZ theorem, Foundations of Physics 26, 989-1002, (1996)
22. Is quantum mechanics compatible with a deterministic universe? Two interpretations of quantum probabilities, Foundations of Physics Letters 8, 417-436 (1995)
21. Quantum Mechanics in an Entirely Deterministic Universe, Int. J. Theor. Phys. 34, 1751. (1995)
20. On the real meaning of Bell's theorem, Int. J. Theor. Phys . 33, 191. (1994)
19. On the real meaning of Bell's theorem, Foundations of Physics Letters 6, 191. (1993)
18. Quantum Theory and Causality, in CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM SYSTEMS Foundations and Symmetries , Proceedings of the II. International Wigner Symposium, Goslar, Germany; ed. H. D. Doebner, W. Scherer, F. Schroeck; World Scientific, Singapore, 1993. (page 236.)
17. Spacetime Structure on Quantum Lattice, Int. J. Theor. Phys. 31, 1803. (1992) DOI: 10.1007/BF00671788
16. Quantum Causal Structure and the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Experiment, Int. J. of Theor. Phys. 28, 35. (1989) DOI: 10.1007/BF00670370
15. Structure of Quantum Space-time, in New Theories in Physics , proceedings of the XI Warsaw Symposium on Elementary Particle Physics, Kazimierz 1988, World Scientific (1989)
14. Quantum Causal Structures and the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox, in Relativity Today , Ed. Z. Perjés, World Scientific, Singapore (1988)
13. Exploration Quantum Causal Structures on a Finite Lattice, ITP Budapest Reports No. 451. (1987)
12. Quantum Kinematics of Strings: Quantization on C(M3,R)/C(M3,GL(2,R)), J. of Math. Phys. 28, 2220. (1987)
11. Topological Aspects of Quantum Kinematics of Strings: Quantization on C(M3,R)/C(M3,GL(2,R)), in Proceedings of the Conference on Non Perturbative Methods in Quantum Field Theory , Eds. Z. Horváth and A. Patkós, World Scientific, Singapore (1987)
10. A Simple Example of Quantum Causal Structure, Int. J. of Theor. Phys. 26, 833. (1987) DOI: 10.1007/BF00669412
9. Quantum Causal Structures, J. of Math. Phys. 27, 2709. (1986) DOI: 10.1063/1.527291
8. What is an Elementary Physical Object? A System Theoretic Approach, Int. J. of Theor. Phys. 25, 435. (1986) DOI: 10.1007/BF00670768
7. Quantum Fluctuations of Topology of Space Like Hypersurfaces, in Proceedings of the XIII. International Conference on Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics , Eds. H. D. Doebner and T. D. Palev, World Scientific, Singapore (1986)
6. A szuper-szimmetrikus téridõ geometriai struktúrája, Magyar Fizikai Folyóirat 34, 171. (1986)
5. Geometrodynamics of Wormholes, Circolo Matematico di Palermo II. No. 2. (1982)
4. Geometrodynamics in Multidimensional Unified Theory, Czech. J. of Phys. B32, 692. (1982)
3. Bohr-Sommerfeld Quantum Conditions for Space Time, ITP Budapest Report 1982
2. Geometrodynamics in Multidimensional Unified Theory, Gen. Rel. Grav. 14, 77. (1982)
1. A részecskefizika interpretációs problémái, In Filozófia és Szaktudományok (Ed.) Horváth J., Kossuth, Budapest (1981)


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G. Hofer-Szabó
M. Rédei
L. E. Szabó

The Principle of the Common Cause

Cambridge University Press, 2013


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Reflexiók és vita:
  • Hraskó Péter:
    Kritikai észrevételek Szabó László A nyitott jövő problémája című könyvéhez (2002) (pdf)
  • E. Szabó László: Válasz Hraskó Péter "Kritikai észrevételek ..." c. írására (2002) (pdf) [A vitában felmerült kérdésekről lásd még a 60. számú cikket.]


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(Gőlyavári esték, 2023, nov. 29.)